We believe in the
power of prayer.

Need Prayer?

James 5:16 says, "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."

If you need prayer, you can submit it privately to our prayer team and choose whether you'd also like to add it publicly to our prayer wall for our church community to pray over. If you want to lift up others in prayer, you can pray over them directly via this page or by spending time in a Prayer Session.


Prayers for my son Kyle and our family during this difficult time


Please pray for me and my wife while I battle Cancer. Praying for healing as Chemo treatments are not getting results that we and my doctors were hoping for. Also I just recently lost my father and my wife Krista also just lost her brother.


Need prayer as I grieve the recent passing of my husband.


My grampa just git out of the hospital and he has had bladder cancer for a few years. He js got surgery for a tube. and just yesterday he had to go back to the er cuz he had a fever. i love him so much.


Throughout this year I’ve almost been killed twice. In each of those instances my conscience has saved me. I’m not sure if God & my conscience are linked somehow. Reading proverbs made me feel less crazy. I wish this year would end already.


Please pray for my friend Nick who is battling cancer and having a really rough time right now.


Can you pray for me for financial problems and keep my kids safe and bring home my friend with me please


Please pray for protection over my family, that I can listen to our Fathers most wise council and know what steps to take next. Thank you so much church family.


I could use prayer for my dog Evie because she has cancer in her spleen. I could also use prayer for my family and myself to get an acting job. I would like to send prayers for people all around the world.


My wife and I both are feeling under the weather right now. Fortunately it’s not Covid and if it were the flu, we’d be much worse by now since we started feeling symptoms on Monday. But we do have body aches and headaches. Please pray for us.


My son Talon ran away from home on Friday. We have contacted everyone trying to find out where he is. Please pray for his safety and to make his way back home.


Again asking for prayer for Jenna and her son Royce. Devastating news on the progression of his rheumatoid arthritis and Jenna is very scared about what his future looks like/what his doctors are saying.


Please pray for my healing I have been dealing with some gum inflammation I have a dentist appointment for cleaning and treatment plan. I thank you for praying 🙏


To help find a better job for my husband and myself. we are behind in almall the bills and soon to lose our home.


My husband wants a divorce and is not being fair about dividing our property. He only wants to give me about half of what I should get. My son received a devastating demotion from his company. He feels like a failure


My children’s father has been found to have cancer and will require surgery. Please, help me to pray for his healing and to strengthen my children as they support him through this process.


Going through a tough custody battle, trying to get my kids back from my ex


I ask for prayers to my daughters, sister-in-law as I was just advised she was I'm a very bad accident today. I asked for prayers already myself for her. I would like to ask for additional prayers for healing as I know there is power in prayers. AMEN


I ask our King and Lord to please help me with my addiction. I can't do this by myself.


My mom is in the hospital again. They aren't sure what's going on. She had a fever for over a week then started having breathing issues again. Possible lung infection but they don't know yet. Please lift her up?


Please pray for me to be healed of anxiety and fear, for guidance in my leadership role in prison ministry and for strength to trust God's plan for my life.


Prayers for my aunt Patti who finished chemo and radiation and finds out next week if she is cancer free. She will also be starting immunotherapy then as well.


Prayers for Alyssa, bring her home safe and healthy to her kids.


Prayers for my friend Patricia’s surgery, that the doctors remove all bad from her body and she be fully healed.


Please pray for my friend Andrea and her family. She was diagnosed with brain cancer a month ago and last week she went in to cardiac arrest. She is currently in IUC and needs a miracle to pull through this. She has two daughters and a husband.


Pray for me I will have a good days at work this week


Please pray for my marriage, that I can have grace to forgive my husbands betrayal and overcome this. Lord that he accepts you into his life and wants to make the necessary steps to be a better husband and father.


Please pray for me to get a job in Hospice that I applied for. Also for my coworker as her husband has been unemployed for a very long time. Thank you


Requesting prayers for my husband Travis as we have been trying to get to the root of his medical problems and haven’t gotten answers yet. Praying for answers, and patience and peace in our hearts.


I am requesting a prayer for my husband to get through this dark time and for him to accept god and Jesus Christ in his heart to give him strength to fight the alcohol addiction.


Please pray for my son Robert for overall protection, to open his heart to God, for his salvation and for guidance in his medical mental health and in his new job he starts tomorrow.


Please pray for my family while we’re in crisis. That God’s Way would be chosen. That His Wisdom would be heeded. That His capacity to love and forgive would show up in the way we treat each other. That God would be glorified in this.


Please pray that they do the inspection of my apartment Mon or tues and it passes the inspection so I can move into apartment, because I can no longer afford to stay at hotel while I wait to move in.