Kids (Infant-4th Grade) | Preschool


Our preschool ministry serves children from infants through five years old and meets during regular service times at each location.

Your child’s safety is our top priority. We ensure that rooms are clean, provide age-appropriate activities, and carefully select leaders who genuinely love caring for kids. This allows you to enjoy the church service with peace of mind and without distractions.

We also see these early years as a wonderful opportunity to teach your child about the great love God has for them in fun and engaging ways. During our time together, your child will learn these foundational truths: God made me, God loves me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

As parents, we all need the support of a caring community, and the church is one of the many gifts God has given us for that purpose. We’re here to support, encourage, pray, listen, and help however we can. You are not alone. Together, we can guide the next generation to meet, know, and follow Jesus.


Child Dedication

Parents! Life comes fast, and kids don’t come with a manual.

As parents, one of our greatest responsibilities is passing our faith to the next generation. We plan for sports, playdates, school, and countless other activities, but do we have a plan to guide our children in growing up as followers of Jesus? That’s where we come in!

Sign up for Child Dedication, and we’ll help you create a plan for your child’s spiritual development. We’ll equip you with practical tools and resources to support you in raising a child who loves and follows Jesus. Let’s take this important step together
